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Does Metabolic Renewal work? Is Metabolic Renewal legit? Looking for Metabolic Renewal customer reviews? You’ve come to the right place!
Today I want to tell you about this amazing fitness program that I’ve found to be the perfect complement to a happy, balanced lifestyle.
Living a balanced life means finding balance in all aspects from work to home, and that includes fitness and diet.
In this Metabolic Renewal review I’ll show you why the quick, effective, rest-based workouts and the hormone balancing effects of this program make it the perfect addition to any balanced lifestyle.
Before I start, let me tell you that I am not being paid for this review. Unlike many other Metabolic Renewal program reviews, I bought the Metabolic Renewal program with my own money long before I even THOUGHT about STARTING this blog. I’ve been using the program off and on for a couple of years now.
I’m writing this review because I really do love it and I want to share my excitement with the world. If you decided to click on one of the links and buy the program, that’s great! I commend you for taking that step. If not, thanks for checking it out anyway!
Use this link to get 45% off Metabolic Renewal today!!!
Keep reading for the Metabolic Renewal pros and cons.
My Weight Loss Journey
I have struggled with my weight since adolescence, both in my mind and in reality at times. I’ve always been curvy, even when I was active, and have had trouble losing weight.
When I was young, I was shaped differently than my sister, and she often called me fat. I didn’t know any different, so I thought I was fat. Over time, I realized that we were just shaped differently. I was never skinny, but I wasn’t fat either. I was muscular, and always one of the tallest in school. At 12 years old my dad told my sister (who is 4 years older) she better watch out, pretty soon I’d be able to bench press her.
However, once I graduated college and began working full-time in an office, my lifestyle became more sedentary and I put on extra weight easily. (Why does it go on so easily but comes off so hard?)
Workouts always frustrated me because the only way I can really reach my target heart rate is by running. Nothing else seemed to do it. Which I suppose isn’t entirely bad, since it implies a more efficient heart function and greater cardiovascular health. But it’s frustrating and disappointing when you’re trying to get your heart rate up to lose weight.
I’ve tried several workout programs over the years. When I was in college, I bought Power 90 with Tony Horton off an infomercial. I really liked it and I went back to it many times over the years until my VCR bit the dust. The warmup segment to the cardio program opened my eyes to power yoga. I found a couple of instructors on YouTube and really fell in love with yoga for the mind AND body.
A couple of years ago I subscribed to Beachbody On Demand and tried various other workouts but none I could really stick with.
I even joined a gym and took circuit classes and CrossFit leading to my realization that I hate going to the gym.
Minimizing my workout time is a priority for me. I live in a rural area, it’s at least 20 minutes to the nearest gym. Aside from the time spent going to/from the gym, I despise the time spent there among the metal and iron. I would much rather rake leaves or shovel snow or do some other productive thing. At the very least, I want to have a beautiful view to distract me while I’m working out.
Then I happened upon the Metabolic Renewal program one day while I was surfing the internet. The program intrigued me, with its promises of better sleep, less cravings, and PMS relief. So I decided to give it a try. What did I have to lose other than a few dollars?
What is Metabolic Renewal?
I’m not going to go into great detail here. If you’ve found this Metabolic Renewal review, you most likely already saw a video or read somewhere about the program.
Metabolic Renewal was created by Dr. Jade Teta a personal trainer whose clients are primarily women. Most workout programs were created based on studies based on men, not women. In order to be successful, he had to learn what worked for women. He created this program just for women.
Women have different hormones and different metabolism than men. This program focuses on taking advantage of these female hormones to get the results you want.
This is a challenging 12-week plan. There are 4 phases and each phase consists of 3-15 minute workouts per week, with modifications if needed. In the beginning you start with no weights. After completing the 12-week program without weights, you start over increasing to weights or resistance bands. You’ll also add walking on a daily basis, depending on your hormone type. Other recommended activities are saunas and hot Epsom salt baths.

This is not a one-size fits all program. You tailor the program specifically to your needs and your hormone type. It can change with you long term as well, as your hormones change through your life, even into post menopause.
The Metabolic Renewal plan focuses on the 4 M framework of the female metabolism – mindset, movement, meals, and metabolics.
When you first begin, you take Dr. Teta’s Metabolic Renewal Hormone Quiz. This will tell you which hormone type you are, which will tell you how to implement the 4M framework. Your hormone type will tell you how to eat your meals, the best way to exercise, have the proper mindset and the best movement to reach your target.
The program is a rest based program, emphasizing mindset. Women are far more sensitive to stress than men. This program has huge focus on resting, relaxation, and recovering. This is emphasized in the literature and throughout the workouts by following a “push until you can’t, rest until you can” mindset.

There is an easy to follow nutrition plan that includes lots of commonly used and easy to find foods. Protein shakes and supplements sold by Dr. Teta are encouraged but not necessary. Your hormone type will tell you when to eat more or less for best results.
With the Metabolic Renewal program, nutrition and exercise requirements change throughout the month as your hormones fluctuate. The program gives you a starting point. Each week, you keep track of your sleep, hunger, mood, energy and cravings. This helps evaluate your hormonal balance and guide your meals and exercise. If you’re struggling in one area, adjust your diet or exercise.
You can purchase DVDs or you can purchase a digital version of the plan and access everything through the simple to navigate web interface. Videos are also accessible on YouTube through the web interface. I like that I can save them in my YouTube library and easily access them through the YouTube app on my iPad.

The Metabolic Renewal workouts consist of a variety of exercises. There are several variations of squats, burpees, core exercises on the floor, push-ups and more. The burnout workouts are a fast paced workouts that incorporate some of the same exercises from the regular workouts.
What’s great about Metabolic Renewal?
Metabolic Renewal includes quick, effective workouts. One of the biggest initial draws to this program for me was the workouts. As I’ve mentioned, structured exercise is just not for me. It’s like torture. Give me a task, and I’m all over it, but tell me to go do pushups, forget it. That’s why I like Metabolic Renewal. I can get in a quick, effective workout, and I can do it in my own home looking out at the beautiful scenery. I find High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) a very effective workout regimen, and I enjoy the challenge and resting phases. I don’t want to go full bore for 15 minutes straight. It causes burnout much quicker.
The Metabolic Renewal exercises are easily modified. I was in a car accident 3 years ago where I was rear-ended at a high speed that left me with whiplash. Any time I tried to exercise, my neck and shoulders would spasm and knots would form. I learned that I need to regain the muscles of my neck and shoulders very slowly. This means starting with no weight bearing activities on my shoulders. I started with pushups on the wall, I did burpees without going onto the floor. Dr. Teta shows modifications for all the exercises and together with my physical therapist, I was able to regain much of the lost muscle with these workouts.
Metabolic Renewal provides quick results. For me personally, I saw results within one week. They weren’t big, and probably no one else noticed, but I did. I noticed my muscles were more toned and I didn’t have the soreness after the workouts as with other programs. I experienced weight loss faster with this program than any other I’ve tried. As I’ve said, I’ve always struggled to lose weight and with Metabolic Renewal, in just a couple of weeks I lost a few pounds. Not a huge number, but losing just a few pounds has always been a struggle for me. If you’re looking for a quick effective fitness program, then this program might be just the ticket for you.
Metabolic Renewal is not a subscription service. Once you purchase the Metabolic Renewal program, you own it for life. There are no monthly subscription fees. Go back to the hormone quiz as your body changes and reassess your hormone type as needed. You can tweak the program to your needs as you move through different phases of your life, adjusting to meet your current hormonal needs, all the way through post menopause.
Metabolic Renewal helps with hormonal imbalances effects on the body. It helps women suffering from weight gain, mood swings, trouble sleeping, fatigue, constant hunger, intense cravings, and body aches and pains. By following this program, you’re helping your body balance these hormones and in doing so it has the ability to drastically change your life.
You might alleviate menstrual pains – cramps, bloating, irregular or heavy periods, anxiety. All of these have been increasingly troublesome for me over the past couple of years. As I’ve begun to follow the guidelines in the program, I’ve been able to alleviate a lot of my problems. It doesn’t happen overnight, but over the last few months I’ve noticed reduced cramping, lighter periods, less moodiness and reduced anxiety.
Or if you’re menopausal it could help with hot flashes, night sweats, lack of motivation and poor mood – I can’t attest to this, as I’m not in this stage in life.
Metabolic Renewal comes with a 100% money back guarantee. This is always a must for me. I want to try out new workouts before committing to them, or at least see a sample before purchasing, and this guarantee is the perfect way to do that. Some workout programs have irritating background music, or the trainer’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard (Not the case with Metabolic Renewal. I love the soundtrack and find Dr. Teta’s voice and commentary very encouraging, relaxing even). The customer service is very responsive with any questions and I have no doubt that if the program doesn’t meet your expectations, you can easily get your money back.

Metabolic Renewal is great for self-awareness. The hormone quiz and tracker spreadsheet are wonderful tools to for understanding your body. It’s a great guide to learning how what you eat and how you move affects your health, and how you feel. The tracker especially helps in figuring out which inputs have the biggest impact on your health and well-being.
What’s not so great about Metabolic Renewal?
No Metabolic Renewal review would be complete without looking at the downfalls of the program. Just like everything in life, nothing is perfect. There are some things that aren’t at the top of my list.
The Metabolic Renewal meal plan isn’t for me. It was hard for me to maintain. Especially since I live in a household with a somewhat picky eater (my husband!) and he wouldn’t follow the same menu. It took a lot of effort shopping for, planning and preparing meals.
Although when I tried it, the results were amazing. I felt great, and it was easier and quicker for me to drop the pounds. In the three weeks I was following the meal plan, I lost around 5 pounds. That might not sound like much, but for me, and my struggle, that’s unheard of.
I also thought the purchase process was cumbersome. When I purchased the plan you had to watch a series of videos about the program to get the information. I prefer to read the info rather than watch videos. I’ve noticed that this is no longer the case. You can purchase the program without watching the videos.
They also push their other products, but that’s not unique to this program, and it didn’t deter me from purchasing the Metabolic Renewal workout program. It seems every fitness program out there is trying to sell you supplements or equipment or some sort of complementary products.
I tried the Metabolic Renewal protein powder, Metabolic Fuel, with the discount in the initial purchase. I’ve tried others and never found one that I liked. This was no different. I ended up returning it for a refund. I have since found a comparable substitute that I don’t hate, but I can only drink it in one recipe.
Update 2024: I just ordered the rebranded Metabolic Super Protein and I can’t wait to try it. It sounds promising and the reformulation includes collagen peptides, which improves skin cell rejuvenation. Stay tuned for an update!
Program bonuses!
Metabolic Renewal also comes with some great bonus features.
There’s a private Metabolic Renewal Facebook group that you can join once purchasing. It’s a closed group so all posts are private. It gives you a safe place to connect with other people going through the program, for motivation and support.
If you don’t have time to read the Metabolic Renewal Roadmap pdf, there’s an audiobook available. Listen in the car during your commute, or while you go for a walk. It also makes a good refresher.
Another great perk when purchasing the program is a deep discount on the Metabolic Fuel when you purchase at the same time as the program. Metabolic Fuel is a special protein shake mix specially formulated to fuel fat burning, control appetite and cravings, and stabilize blood sugar. When you drink this at the optimum time after a workout, it provides the needed fuel to burn fat and tone saggy muscles for 24-48 hours after your workout. The program includes several recipes to try out with the Metabolic Fuel. My favorite is Strawberry!
Your 12 -week plan also includes a specialized Metabolic Renewal diet, a 12-week meal plan called Metabolic Meals. This is a great starting point and gives some great options and ideas for snacks and meals. The smoothies were fun to experiment with like Mocha Fudge and Key Lime Blast!
All that and the Metabolic Renewal cost is less than a month’s gym membership.
My favorite thing about Metabolic Renewal
I love the Metabolic Renewal workouts. They’re quick and effective, and there’s lots of variety. The exercises themselves are pleasant and the format of the workouts makes it fun. Even if there’s a particular exercise you don’t enjoy, it’s just a short time before you move onto something else.
I love that the Metabolic Renewal exercises even have a little progress bar across the bottom of the screen that shows how much you’ve completed and how much is left with a countdown timer. I can easily keep myself going because I know there’s just a few minutes left.
Following the Metabolic Meals as part of the program has taught me the food that my body really loves and feels best with. I have realized that even though I do enjoy chips and carbs and all those yummy junk foods, I just feel blah when I eat them regularly. With the flexibility of the program, I still eat them, just now it’s only occasionally. I don’t make them a regular part of my diet anymore.
After I purchased the Metabolic Renewal program and used it for a while, I decided to start looking for another program. Even though I was pleased with the program and the results I get from using it, I like variety in my workouts so I decided to try something else. There are countless programs available for purchase on the web. So over the course of a few months, I tested a few different programs. I tried each one of them, but ultimately returned them all.
I realized that I really do enjoy this workout more than any other and it provides the results I’m looking for in a quick workout. So I have decided that this is the one to keep and I’ve stopped looking. I will mix up Metabolic Renewal with my favorite yoga videos off of YouTube from now on. That’s really all I need.
Recommended Workout Accessories for Metabolic Renewal
The great thing about the Metabolic Renewal program is that you can workout from home, in fact you can workout from anywhere, with minimal equipment. You just need some basic workout gear to get started. Here are some of my favorite items for any home workout:
These dumbbells come in a set with 3, 5, and 8 pounds. Great for starting out, you don’t want to go too heavy and hurt yourself, and different exercises will require different weights as not all muscles are capable of lifting the same amount of weight. For something a little heavier, this adjustable weight dumbbell set is ideal for small spaces as it is one set of dumbbells that easily adjusts from 5-25 pounds.
A yoga mat is a good idea for all of the floor work that you’ll be doing, from push-ups, burpees, to bicycles and mountain climbers. It’s also a nice comfortable surface for pre and post-workout stretching.
If you don’t have a reusable water bottle, this one from Hydracy has a no-sweat sleeve, fruit infuser, a detachable strap, spill proof flip top lid, wide mouth, and it’s marked with measurements and times to help you reach your water goals each day. It comes in various sizes, and also has an option for a lid with a straw if you prefer.
The Metabolic Renewal program recommends at least 10,000 steps per day, depending on which type you are. I love my Garmin Viviomove watch for making sure I reach my step goal every day. It doesn’t look like a typical fitness watch but it tracks my steps. It looks more like a regular analog watch, but when you flip your wrist, the hands move out of the way and your activity is displayed on the screen. It pairs with Apple and Android phones via the Garmin app. It’s doesn’t do as many things as the apple watch, but it does receive notifications from your phone and allows you to see notifications and control phone, music, and a variety of other settings.
If you’ve never had a fitness watch and aren’t sure you’ll like it, here’s an inexpensive one that will do the basics. I started out with one of these and I actually liked it quite well. One of the things I liked best about this is that you don’t need a separate charging cable. There’s a built-in USB plug, you just pull off the wrist strap and insert the watch into any USB port to charge, which was really nice, especially for travelling.
If you live somewhere that gets cold weather, like I do in upstate NY, a treadmill really helps get those steps in on nasty winter days. I’ve had mine for almost 15 years and it has definitely earned its keep over the years. I wish it had an odometer, it would be interesting to see how far I’ve walked in total. Anyway.
There are a lot of options for treadmills on the market. The bigger treadmills are more versatile, giving you flexibility to use incline, and heavier models are more suitable for jogging or running if that’s your jam. They also fold up and roll out of the way for storage, but they do take up quite a bit more space. These are available in a variety of price points. Mine is no longer available, but the NordicTrack T series is in the middle of the road and it has a 4.3 star rating and over 32,000 reviews on Amazon.
The more compact, ultra slim foldable treadmills, like the WalkingPad, are more suitable for smaller spaces. They fold in half and easily store in a closet, or under furniture. They’re also great for pairing with a standing desk to create a walking desk (This is the one I have, my husband liked it so much I had to order another one for him!).
Let’s not forget the other items you might want to go along with your exercise program.
This food scale really upped my game when I started really tracking my nutrition. My old scale was hard to switch between grams and ounces, and it had a much smaller plate size so it was hard to see the weight. This one has been great and it’s compact design makes it easy to tuck away in a cabinet.
A Renpho Smart Tape Measure is helpful when taking body measurements for tracking your progress. The easy lock design on this one allows you to measure your body circumference quickly on your own. I don’t have one of these, I’ve just been using an old fashioned sewing tape measure, but now that I know it exists, I’m going to have to get one of these Renpho Smart Tape Measures for myself!
I really like my Renpho Smart Scale for measuring body composition to track my progress. I wish I had this when I started my journey. I really struggled when I didn’t see the weight move on my old scale. Weight isn’t the only metric to track your fitness and health progress. This scale tracks 13 body measurements including BMI, muscle mass, bone mass, and body fat percentage. You connect it to your smartphone and it’s all visible through the app with graphs and charts and goals. (I’m a fan of Renpho brand, I also have a handheld massager)
Of course, I could go on and on with all of the gear that makes health and fitness easier or more enjoyable, workout clothes, sports bras, racerback tanks, my favorite bike shorts and leggings, sneakers, Air Pods, but you get the gist. Maybe I’ll create another post with all of my favorite gear.
Find your balance!
As a society, we’ve lost sight of the correlation between how we treat our bodies and our health and well-being. I feel like most people aren’t very self-aware and they think if they’re having a problem then it must be a medical issue and there’s nothing they can do on their own without a doctor or some pills. But that’s not always true.
The solution doesn’t always have to be a pill. It could be as simple as a little self-control and proper exercise. If you’re looking for a natural way to alleviate some undesirable side effects of the female hormones, or just want a great fitness program that’s fun and has lots of variety, then this program is for you. Stick with it and you will see results!
Take Metabolic Renewal Quiz, start your transformation today and see for yourself!
Read more about my fitness journey here!
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That is awesome that there is a program tailor-made for women! Hormones have a huge impact on weight maintenance and just overall health!
And what we put into our bodies has a huge impact on our hormones too! Thanks for reading!
Thanks Jamie! It’s really a great home workout for women.
I’ve never heard of this protocol until now! It’s amazing how many different theories and programs there are out there to suit different needs.
Nathalia | NathaliaFit – Fitness & Wellness Blog
There is something for everything when it comes to exercise, diet and nutrition. I’ve never done well on really restrictive diets or rigorous exercise programs and this is the perfect balance for me. I hope you found something useful!